Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year !!

To all the lovely people reading this blog. Here's wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year.
Let us all take some resolutions in this happy occasion.

1) Poverty is the biggest curse of mankind. Let us do something who dont have much. Even a small thing as giving out food on your b'day to a blind school or an orphanage will be good. It doesnt matter how much you do, as long as you do something.

2) We need to stop this demon of global warming. So lets take another resolution that we will do something for the nature. It could be planting a tree sapling or participating in cleaning river events, or using as less electricity as possible. Save energy save your planet.

3) We are a social animal and need to have friends and family around us. So lets resolve that we will call that long forgotten friend and try to bridge that gap. Its not difficult, just run through friends in  your phone diary and find out the no. you didn't call in last one year. Then its as simple as clicking on the dial button :) I promise, you wont be disappointed by the reactions from the other end.

4) Lets TRY to drive in a lane and dont disrupt the traffic.

Since it has started to look like a wish-list so I will stop here and leave the rest of resolutions to yourself
Have fun guys, lets welcome the new year with the hope that it will bring a lot of happiness, prosperity and peace in our lives.

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